Empowering you to Train and Live Smarter. Always strive for progress!
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Customized Lifestyle Coaching Program

If you’re struggling with anything listed below, then creating a Customized Lifestyle Coaching Program will help you overcome it and achieve your goals

  • Overweight or Obesity

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Prediabetes

  • Type I diabetes

  • Type II diabetes

  • Insomnia

  • Cardiovascular Disease (blood lipid test abnormalities)

  • Heart Disease (heart attack, stroke, atrial fibrillation)

  • Metabolic Syndrome

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Osteopenia

  • Bloated

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhea

  • Low Energy

  • Chronic Stress

  • Building muscle

  • Maintaining muscle

  • Muscle aches and pains from their job, life, or an injury

  • Feeling more balanced in their own body again making it stronger and more relaxed in all the right places

  • Headaches/migraines

Client Goal Achievement Stories & Testimonials

Health coaching client who overcame high blood pressure


I had been struggling with stage 2 high blood pressure for over 30 years requiring multiple medications to help stabilize it. I felt like she had tried everything over the years between various diets, food tracking, exercise, and nothing had worked. Andrew and I designed a customized 3 months holistic health and lifestyle program together and met once per week for a 30 minute health coaching session. In just 3 months I lower my blood pressure by 32 points exceeding the normal standards.

I highly recommend Andrew's health and lifestyle coaching program. Andrew is a terrific coach, and more importantly an excellent listener. I got some excellent short-term wins, and I'm confident these new habits will continue to last and level up through the long-term.

Custom lifestyle coaching client suffering from chronic stress and poor sleep quality


I endorse and enthusiastically recommend the Life Strength Fitness custom lifestyle coaching program. Adhering to the suggested practices has made a significant positive difference in my life. When I started my program, I was stressed all the time, and I couldn’t sleep. Andrew taught me how to truly read ingredient labels so that I could successfully purge all of the unhealthy food in my kitchen, restocking it with better alternatives, plan out an eating window that aligned better with my wake and sleep cycle, drinking the proper amount of fluids for my body, putting hard limits on when my clients can blow up my phone, and giving myself more time to wind down and enjoy reading my memoir books. All of these things combined have helped me feel so much less stress throughout the day, I sleep longer throughout the night than I have in years, and have energy that lasts all day long.

I would be happy to elaborate on my cursory recitation, if asked.

Thank you


When I met Donna she was taking 2+ hours to fall asleep, and then to make things worse would wake up multiple times per night, resulting in it taking her even longer to fall asleep due to having anxiety and little confidence that she will be able to fall asleep. After making some lifestyle changes to her bed time, wake up time, taking a few game changing supplements, and teaching her how to reset her circadian clocks with sufficient light and food timing. In only 4 weeks of lifestyle coaching, she now falls asleep in 15 minutes, has the confidence that she will easily fall asleep every night, and wakes up feeling rested, calm, and alert.

What is Health & Lifestyle Coaching?

Health and lifestyle coaching is a client-centered collaborative and supportive profession that helps empower you to achieve your goals and maintain long term optimal health. This happens through self-discovery of what you already know that can be used to create impactful action steps, self-monitor your lifestyle behaviors and progress to increase your accountability.

Health and lifestyle coaches support their clients by helping them set meaningful goals, create action steps, plan for/troubleshoot obstacles, acquire new goal-specific knowledge (nutrition, sleep optimization, stress reduction, physical activity, exercise, action step timing, deliberate cold/heat/light exposure, supplementation, lifestyle skills, and additional resources) that will help them

co-create a customized program that includes the Knowledge and resources That you need to upgrade your capability to achieve your goals

Overview of what you’re struggling with

  • Educate you on a chronic health condition, its causes, symptoms, lab tests that can be administered by a physician, known measurement standards to evaluate where you are/track progress, how to self-manage it, and what are all of the areas of your lifestyle that you could implement action steps in to holistically upgrade/reclaim your health.


  • How to adapt your body to burn fat vs carbs

  • How to avoid the negative impacts of alcohol and how to optimize your hydration

  • What are high quality foods, where to buy them, what are healthy sources of fats, protein, vegetables, fruits, dairy, nuts/seeds, herbs, and tea/coffee.

  • Benefits of both types of fiber, what are optimal amounts to consume daily based on age/gender, and provide them with a master foods list with fiber totals.

  • Calculating your goal-specific calories and macro targets

  • Calorie Counting Myth & What you eat is far more important

  • What’s the problem with spiking their blood sugar, and a 3 step process to reducing their blood sugar levels.

  • Educate you on goal-specific supplements (17 different ones), highlight their benefits, and any known formulas to individualize an action step so you can make an informed decision if incorporating them into their lifestyle makes sense and would help you achieve your health goals.

  • Artificial sweeteners/preservatives, and what to look for on ingredient labels to prevent them from sabotaging their health and goals

  • How grains, legumes, and soy are unnecessary and harmful to your health

  • How to balance sodium/potassium for blood pressure control

  • Prebiotic and Probiotic Foods

    Sleep Optimization

  • Blue light/Bright light

  • Deep Sleep

  • How much sleep is enough to burn fat and improve your health

  • How to reset your circadian clocks

  • How to troubleshoot insomnia and fall asleep faster

  • How to troubleshoot fragmented sleep and stay asleep longer

  • Would optimizing your sleep even help you

    Physical Activity

  • How to use movement to mobilize body fat

  • How to use standing/walking to boost productivity, have more energy, feel less stressed, and live longer

  • The power of a post meal walk for fat loss and better blood sugar control

  • What should my active calorie burn be/how much physical activity is optimal for fat loss


  • What is the optimal duration and frequency of a workout

  • Benefits of resistance training

  • Benefits of aerobic conditioning

  • Benefits of anaerobic conditioning

    Action Step Timing & Deliberate cold/heat exposure

  • Autophagy

  • Deliberate cold/heat exposure

  • Nutrient timing

  • How to dose and time your coffee/tea consumption for fat loss

  • Time your caffeine and vitamin D for longer and better sleep

  • Optimize your vitamin D levels naturally

  • Time restricted eating

    Stress Reduction

  • Expect the unexpected

  • Control what you can, get rid of what you can, reframe the rest

  • Movement outside to boost happiness and lower stress

  • The short/long term impacts of stress & how to combat them

  • Upgrade your level of stress resilience


  • Recipes and guide you to finding recipes and cook books that will improve your health

  • Bread alternatives/substitutions

  • Healthy Energy Drink Options

  • Healthy Chocolate Options

  • Healthy Ice Cream Options

  • Healthy Water Flavoring Options

  • Healthy Noodle Options

  • Continuous Glucose Monitors

  • Heart Rate Variability Technology

  • Sleep Trackers

  • Places where you can book your own blood tests without needing a doctor’s referral letter

Learn Lifestyle Skills that will Upgrade your Confidence to achieve your goals

  • How to create effective action steps on your own, hold yourself accountable, how to review each action step for effectiveness, and how to upgrade them to accelerate their benefits

  • How to thoroughly review the pros and cons of making a lifestyle change motivating you to take action and create an action step in that area of your life

  • How to read nutrition facts charts, ingredient labels, along with what foods or ingredients to avoid that are harmful to your health or goals

  • What to consider getting rid of in your house that isn’t serving you and teach you how to shop for replacements that will serve you better

  • How to manipulate your lifestyle environment to create a habit that supports your goals and who you want to become

  • How to manipulate your lifestyle environment to destroy a habit that sabotages your goals and who you want to become

  • How to screen supplement companies and their products so you always get the benefits and avoid unforeseen consequences

  • How to dine out for special occasions, vacations, on the go, and holiday parties that align with your goals

To Get Started - Schedule your Health/Lifestyle Intake, Goal Setting, and 1st Lifestyle Coaching Session

90 minute session

  • Thoroughly review everything you currently do throughout the day/week in the areas of nutrition, sleep/stress, exercise/physical activity, lifestyle/environment manipulation, work/personal life/support, medical history, lifestyle skills, and progress trackers/technology.

  • I’ll affirm everything you’re doing that will help you, point out the areas where you’re sabotaging yourself.

  • We will assess your current knowledge of what you’re struggling with, and what current knowledge you have that you can tap into to help you overcome it.

  • Then we will dial in your first SMART outcome goal that’s truly meaningful to you and actually achievable.

  • Finish with a client-centered health & lifestyle coaching session where you will create your first action step with a self-accountability plan that will help you make progress on achieving your goal. You’ll have solutions in place for any obstacle that will try to derail you from successfully doing it. 

Then we’ll schedule a follow up 60 minute program co-creation session

  • I’ll present you with all of the knowledge, lifestyle skills, and additional resources that your intake revealed that you’re missing that will boost your competence and confidence to achieve your goals.

  • You’ll get the freedom to select everything that you want and agree will help you, what order you want to receive them in, and how many coaching sessions per week you’d like.

Here's how your program and coaching will flow

Every week you'll get online access to the next (1, 2, or 3) educational lessons and 1 additional resource from your program on (day of the week of your choosing), along with any of the progress trackers that will upgrade your organization and accountability

You get lifelong access to all of the material to reference and benefit from

Every week you’ll schedule your 1, 2, or 3 virtual 1 on 1 health coaching sessions where we:

  • Acknowledge and celebrate your successes

  • Help you troubleshoot any obstacles that derailed you

  • Help you create/modify/upgrade action steps that result in progress towards achieving your goal with a self accountability plan 

  • Help you plan for any obstacles that might derail you and create solutions to them if they happen

Daily text support between 7am-4pm and 24/7 email support:

  • Any on the go questions or freakout moments that you encounter.

  • Review your food diary or nutritional tracker.

  • Help you upgrade/modify a recipe to help you achieve your goals and avoid sabotaging you.

  • Review a restaurant menu and give you options on what to order that supports your goals.

  • Review any food online/grocery store and let you know if it is a goal-supporting or sabotaging option.

  • Answer any wellness/fitness question that you happen to think of

  • Help you understand the supporting research for any of your educational lessons that you learned about that week

  • Point you in the direction of special organizations applicable to your needs.

  • Act as a supporter and a mediator in their relationship with a medical professional.

By the end of your customized lifestyle program you will have made fantastic progress or might have already achieved your goal. You’ll be in the habit of creating and successfully executing new lifestyle behaviors that serve you, have acquired all of the knowledge, skills, and additional resources that you need to finish achieving your goal completely on your own. 

For whatever reason if you don’t feel 100% confident that you can do that you’ll have the opportunity to continue our coaching partnership afterwards on a month to month basis until you are 100% confident that you can do this on your own.

Enroll in your program


  • Receive 1 Educational Lesson or Lifestyle Skill from your program

  • 1 Additional Resource


  • Receive 2 Educational Lessons or Lifestyle Skills from your program

  • 1 Additional Resource


  • Receive 3 Educational Lessons or Lifestyle Skills from your program

  • 1 Additional Resource